New artwork offers new therapeutic visuals
Upon driving into Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center’s entrance, it’s easy to see the facility was designed to offer a visual experience, helping put patients, visitors and others into a more relaxed comfortable mindset. Now, the Cancer Center has unveiled two new pieces of art, taking the organization’s focus on a healing environment the next level.
The Cancer Center’s healing arts program began when the facility was renovated in 2015, and is grounded on evidenced-based research showing that art used in combination with traditional medicine can enhance outcomes and improve quality of life for patients and their loved ones during and after treatment.
The two new art installations were created thanks to donor generosity, and incorporate the modernity of digital art and 3D-printing.
Journey to Wellness was donated by Janice and Billy Guitreau, and represents patients’ experiences as they navigate their cancer journey with the Cancer Center’s constant support. Canopy of Peace was donated by Candace and Bob Pearson, with three-dimensional branches and flowers that represent the growth and healing patients experience at the Cancer Center throughout their unique journeys.
Both pieces complement the art and science individuals find in the Cancer Center’s comprehensive care approach. Learn more about these innovative, one-of-a-kind pieces of original artwork that are designed to place patients in a positive mindset that will offer the best possible outcomes.