With nearly 5,000 retail financial centers throughout the world, Merrill Lynch is an international conglomerate with investment specialists and firms around the world. But Merrill Lynch is also dedicated to supporting the economic, social and cultural life in each of its locations – including Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center in Baton Rouge.
Event sponsorships over the years have resulted in millions of dollars raised to provide Gulf South-area patients with comprehensive cancer services. For years, Merrill Lynch was the major sponsor of the Merrill Lynch Open, Baton Rouge’s only professional golf tournament, which raised funds for cancer patients in a fun, competitive environment. When we hear about the Cancer Center’s groundbreaking clinical trials, survivorship support, multidisciplinary care teams and services that assist patients when they need it most, we know how instrumental Merrill Lynch and its employees have been in those endeavors.
Most recently, Merrill Lynch served as a key sponsor of the Gala Goes Gatsby – the inaugural fundraising event that raised $475,000 to support the transformation of cancer care by both the Cancer Center and Cancer Services.
In addition to this long relationship with the Cancer Center, Merrill Lynch also supports other non-profit organizations in the Greater Baton Rouge community including the Knock Knock Children’s Museum and the Community Fund for the Arts.  Because they impact thousands through local philanthropic support, Merrill Lynch was named both the 2016 recipient of the Cancer Center’s Louis D. Curet Memorial Volunteer Fundraiser Award and the recipient of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ 2017 Outstanding Leadership in Corporate Philanthropy Award.
We appreciate Merrill Lynch for its commitment to community giving by focusing on transforming cancer care today and for generations to come.