M.S., Nuclear Science & Engineering, 2000
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
B.S., Physics, 1997
University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA
Texas Board of Licensure for Professional Medical Physicists, 2014 – Present
Diplomat of the American Board of Radiology (DABR), 2005
Therapeutic Radiological Physics
Clinical Medical Physicist, 2002-present
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Medical Physicist, 2000-2002
Oncologics, Lafayette, LA
1. McLaughlin D, Hogstrom K, Neck D, Gibbons J. Comparison of measured electron energy spectra for six matched radiotherapy accelerators. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 19, No. 3, (2018).
2. Akino Y, Gibbons J, Neck, D, Chu C, Das I. Intra- and intervariability in beam data commissioning among water phantom scanning systems. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 15, No. 4, (2014).
3. I Das, C Chu, J Conlon, D Neck, J Gibbons. Intra and Inter Variability in Beam Data Commissioning among Water Phantom Scanning Systems. Med Phys. 39:3725, (2012).
4. Matney J, Parker B, Neck D, Henkelmann G, Rosen I. Target localization accuracy in a respiratory phantom using BrainLab ExacTrac and 4DCT imaging. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2011).
5. Mancuso G, Fontenot J, Parker B, Neck D, Gonzalez G, and Gibbons J. Investigation of VMAT Patient Specific Quality Assurance Action Levels. Med Phys. 38(6):3583, (2011).
6. Matney J, Parker B, Neck D, Henkelmann G, Rosen I. Evaluation of a commercial flatbed document scanner and radiographic film scanner for radiochromic EBT film dosimetry. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 11, No. 2, (2010).
7. Matney J, Parker B, Neck D, Henkelmann G, Rosen I. Phantom Evaluation of Implanted Coil Localization Accuracy of the BrainLab ExacTrac Gating System and 4DCT. Med. Phys. 35(6):2725, (2008).
8. Matney J, Parker B, Neck D, Rosen I. Comparison of the Epson Perfection V700 Photo Flatbed and the Vidar VXR-16 Dosimetry PRO AdvantageTM Film Scanners for Use with Radiochromic Film. Med. Phys. 35(6):2788, (2008).
9. Vinci J, Hogstrom K, Neck D. Accuracy of cranial coplanar beam therapy using an oblique, stereoscopic x-ray image guidance system. Med. Phys. 35(8):3809-3819, (2008).
10. Vinci J, Hogstrom K, Rosen I, Chu C, Neck D. Accuracy of Cranial Co-Planar Beam Therapy with BrainLab ExacTrac Image Guidance. Med. Phys. 34(6):2369, (2007).