Mary Bird Perkins, Louisiana’s largest cancer center, was recently home for the second consecutive year for the Louisiana Oncology Dietitian’s Conference (LODC). The meeting was held at the Cancer Center’s main campus in Baton Rouge with about 50 oncology dietitians attending to discuss how to best engage with patients throughout their cancer treatment. The gathering allowed for networking and learning from dietitians throughout the state of Louisiana, including Mary Bird Perkins’ own dietitians from every campus.
In recent years, oncology nutrition has taken on a larger role in patients’ cancer journey with nutrition now recognized as an important factor in their treatment and seen as a component that can relieve some of the symptoms brought on by treatment. Through oncology nutrition, more emphasis is placed on using food as a healing mechanism that can provide a better quality of life for patients.
Mary Bird Perkins is leading that effort by supporting registered dietitians as they enhance their education through oncology board certifications, PhD programs and expert conferences, like the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo each year.
At the Cancer Center, presentations focused on spreading awareness of the role nutrition can play in cancer treatment and on the importance of nutrition before and after surgery. As dietitians are constantly adapting to new advancements and technology, conference leaders helped spark conversations among participants on how best practices can limit side effects that many patients face as a result of dietary restrictions and food insecurity.
Spearheaded by Meredith Bechac, MS, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Covington, the conference focused on cultivating creative ways to include other practitioners like physical therapists and social workers when customizing an individualized nutrition plan for patients.
Bechac, who can oftentimes be found hosting healthy food demonstrations at the Covington center, works with other staff members to address food insecurity for uninsured or underinsured patients facing financial hardships brought on by a cancer diagnosis. Through Covington’s innovative Therapeutic Food Pantry, patients have access to a plethora of healthy food options, both fresh and frozen, that won’t interfere with ongoing treatment. Her patient meetings include an educational component about why certain foods might be better depending on the diagnosis and treatment plan. For example, head and neck patients who are facing challenges in swallowing properly may need a diet comprised of soft foods.
“We like to make sure that every encounter is unique to the patient,” said Bechac. “I think it is important for the dietitians to counsel our patients to make sure all of their nutritional needs are being met and that they can adapt their diets accordingly at home. We have so many resources at the Cancer Center that allow patients to have a well-balanced and nutritious diet that helps in the healing process.”
This tailored approach was discussed at length at the conference as speakers gave examples of different patient conversations to employ throughout various stages of treatment that will make patients feel more comfortable and supported throughout their journey and even into survivorship.
“I’m thankful that Mary Bird Perkins has placed such an emphasis on nutrition and how we and others across the state are helping advance the role food plays in cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship,” Bechac said. “A dietitian’s role in the patient’s journey to recovery is vital to make them as comfortable as possible, emotionally and physically.”
To learn more about the Cancer Center’s team of dietitians and renowned nutrition program, click here.