Team Approach Used to Tackle Rectal Cancer
At age 47, Tavia Crumpler knew something was off. The increasing symptoms of bloating, gas, and changes in her stool consistency were especially disturbing since her grandmother had suffered from colon cancer, but Tavia chalked it up to stress. When the symptoms didn’t stop, she began asking for medical help. “I told every doctor I […]
Young Woman’s Caring Spirit Lives on in Gift to Mary Bird Perkins
The words above are just a few of the ways that Hillary Lanaux’s family describe her meaningful life. Leaving a Legacy This is why New Orleans residents Mr. and Mrs. Lanaux made a generous, transformational donation – one of the largest ever received across the state – to Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center’s Prevention on […]
Rectal Cancer Survivor Urges Others to “Put Pride Aside and Just Get Screened”
“I didn’t have any symptoms, so I didn’t think anything was wrong,” says Leslie. “It’s easy to think you don’t need to worry about your health until you realize you could’ve died without even knowing why.” Why is early detection important? Even though colon and rectal cancers are the second leading cause of deaths in […]
Finding the Power Within to Fight Cancer
Rene Roquemore has loved comic books, especially ones focused on superheroes, since he was a kid, admiring the fictional characters’ strength and resilience. And when Rene was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last September, he wanted to embody those same characteristics while undergoing treatment. “If I were a superhero I’d be called ‘Captain Resilient.’ My description […]
Fest for Life offers Lots of Louisiana-style Lagniappe
Louisiana is known for its fun, legendary festivals and events with unique spins on food, music and culture. However, ten years ago, something different premiered in Baton Rouge, offering an innovative approach to presenting cancer and other health topics with the same kind of flair. The annual event, Fest for Life, commenced in 2008, setting […]
Cancer Center to Host 10th Annual Fest for Life Event
Celebrating of 10 years of saving lives through cancer early detection (Baton Rouge, La.) A decade ago, Mary Bird Perkins – Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center launched a community health initiative, Fest for Life, which today has grown into a large-scale event that has screened more than 4,800 people for cancer and […]
Colorectal Cancer Rising in Younger People
One of my patients, Barkley Booker, considers every day a gift after being diagnosed with Stage III colorectal cancer at the age of 37. Today, the mother of two girls ages 14 and 11, is a survivor because she quickly sought medical care when she noticed symptoms. It’s important to note that Barkley’s case was […]