

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Slidell, Louisiana

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Slidell provides Northshore residents with compassionate, convenient care with physicians who have served the community for decades. The Center’s medical staff and treatment team are dedicated to delivering the most advanced cancer care in a comfortable, supportive setting. Our clinic offers the most personal experience and most effective approach to treating your unique diagnosis – all within minutes of home.

Services Offered in Slidell

If you or someone you know is touched by cancer, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in Slidell is here to help every step of the way. The Cancer Center provides medical oncology services and clinical trials, along with vital support services on the Northshore. Together, through individualized treatment and care, we work in collaboration with you and your family to triumph over cancer.



Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday

Important Phone Numbers

Main Phone
(985) 875-5333
Medical Oncology Northshore Oncology Associates

Doctors at this Location

Faizan Malik, MD
2020 flame red
Faizan I. Malik, M.D.
  • Hematology
  • Medical Oncology
Robert Veith, MD
2020 flame red
Robert W. Veith, M.D.
  • Hematology
  • Medical Oncology