Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery for Cancer Treatment

For cancer patients who require surgery as part of their treatment, traditional surgery may not be the best option. When tumors are harder to reach or when trying to avoid long periods of downtime and side effects, oftentimes robotic surgery provides better outcomes for patients. Robotic surgery is also known as robot-assisted surgery which means that a surgeon is still performing the procedure however robot-assisted and 3-D imaging technology allows these specially-trained surgeons to perform complex surgeries with more precision than conventional techniques. Robotic surgery is usually done laparoscopically which means smaller incisions. Your surgeon will determine whether this surgery type is possible for your particular cancer. If so, your surgeon may recommend robotic surgery over open surgery. Your surgeon will design a surgical treatment plan that’s best for you.

daVinci Surgical System

The daVinci Surgical System allows surgeons to perform procedures laparoscopically instead of a more traditional open approach. It is used for prostate removal, kidney removal and certain complex head and neck procedures such as removing tumors from the base of the tongue or removing stones from saliva glands. We are the only Cancer Center in the area using the daVinci Surgical System for these types of procedures. Some benefits of using the System for minimally invasive surgery include: high-definition 3D vision and unparalleled precision and ability to fully manipulate small objects through a small space, provided by the system’s EndoWrist instrumentation.
Da Vinci