As Chief of Physics at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, I am privileged to be part of a team dedicated to delivering advanced, compassionate cancer care to patients across Louisiana and beyond. Our mission is to improve survivorship and lessen the burden of cancer through leading-edge treatment, research, and education.
Since joining Mary Bird Perkins, I have focused on integrating innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and precision radiation therapy to improve patient outcomes and streamline care. By overseeing our skilled medical physics and dosimetry teams, we ensure that every treatment plan is personalized to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects.
Education is also central to our efforts. Our collaboration with Louisiana State University through the Dr. Charles M. Smith Medical Physics Program has established a nationally recognized training initiative for future medical physicists, reinforcing our commitment to shaping the next generation of leaders in cancer care.
I am immensely proud of the strides we have made and remain committed to furthering Mary Bird Perkins’ legacy of excellence. Together with our dedicated team, we continue to push the boundaries of innovation while holding steadfast to our mission of providing compassionate care.
Thank you for trusting us to be your partner in the fight against cancer.
Sotirios Stathakis, PhD, DABR, FAAPM
Dr. Charles M. Smith Chief of Physics
All members of the academic physics group at MBPCC hold adjunct faculty appointments at LSU and are provided with full access to university resources, including the LSU Libraries and facilities.
The 1.3 GeV electron storage ring (200 mA) has multiple beam lines of varying light energy. Two beam lines, produced by a superconducting wiggler magnet, allow medical radiological research using x-ray beams up to 40 keV.
The Radiation Detector Development (RDD) Laboratory currently provides 480 sq. ft. of research space and is located in the renovated Nicholson Hall (which houses the Department of Physics and Astronomy); the lab occupies an additional 300 sq. ft. of lab space in the Nuclear Science building, which is rated for full use of radioactive materials. The RDD Lab has equipment and materials for design, fabrication, testing, and analysis of prototype detector systems. This includes: oscilloscopes; PC-based multi-channel analyzer; UNIX workstation for simulations, data processing and analysis; electronics prototyping equipment; dose calibrator; sealed long-lived radiation sources and collimation/shielding materials; general-purpose collection of nuclear instrumentation modular electronics; general-purpose collection of scintillation crystals and photomultiplier tubes (PMT); and imaging phantoms. Some project-specific items that are available include a light-tight (“black”) box, a selection of wavelength-shifting optical fibers (both individual fibers and assembled ribbons), three 5″x5″x1″ NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals, a multi-channel PMT, green-enhanced-response PMTs, custom-built detector assembly fixtures, and multi-channel DAQ cards.
Skyscan 1074 instrument with 37 μm resolution, 3 cm field of view and variable beam energy. Image reconstruction software has multiple capabilities and can run on a distributed computing environment.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy provides fully-staffed machine and electronics shops. These shops provide in-house fabrication facilities. In addition, a “student” machine shop is also available for faculty and student use. Other resources include a drafting shop operated by the College of Basic Sciences.
The School of Veterinary Medicine supports radiological facilities for animals. Diagnostic facilities include x-ray fluoroscopy and CT scanning, and access to a PET/CT. MRI capability is anticipated in the near future. A small animal therapy facility includes a Varian Clinac 600C with a 52-leaf MLC and the Pinnacle treatment planning system.
The Nuclear Science Building serves primarily as a laboratory research and teaching facility. In addition, it gives housing to the LSU campus Radiation Safety Office. The building houses:
We offer comprehensive training in the field of medical physics, including the Master of Science Degree, the Doctor of Philosophy Degree, Post-Doctoral Certificate Degrees, and Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships. The training program is jointly run by a partnership between Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and Louisiana State University. Degree programs are accredited and nationally recognized. The overarching objective of our training program is to provide outstanding opportunities for our trainees to prepare for successful careers in medical physics. Careers in medical physics may include patient care, research, education or a combination of these activities. The amount and type of training is typically tailored to best match the trainees’ career objectives. The table below lists the training programs that we recommend for several typical trainee objectives.
Click here to see why one student chose our Medical Physics Program.
Click here for detailed descriptions of our graduate degree programs, sample curricula and more information about postdoctoral training opportunities.
Using a collaborative approach, Mary Bird Perkins formed a medical physics consortium with multiple affiliate sites, including Willis-Knighton Cancer Center in Shreveport, LA and the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. This has allowed for the expansion of residency training opportunities and resources. In conjunction with its affiliates, Mary Bird Perkins now has one of the largest and most comprehensive radiation oncology physics residency training programs in the United States.
One of the core values at Mary Bird Perkins is education. As such, we offer goal oriented and custom tailored shadowing programs for high school and undergraduate students interested in learning about the field of Medical Physics. The program structure is dictated by student provided goals for the shadowing experience in the allotted time frame and duration they specify (e.g. General survey, imaging specific rotation, assistance with available research topics, etc.). Most will have some didactic components in which students can begin to learn some of the fundamental topics used by physicists as well as clinical observation experiences with our board certified and board eligible physics staff and physics residents. Clinical availability of some tasks cannot be guaranteed and we hold our student shadowers to hospital policies for disease prevention, HIPAA confidentiality education and compliance, as well as radiation safety best practices. As such, each applicant will be required to submit a set of acknowledgment agreements, TB and MRI screening forms as well as a record of a negative TB test/tests. Accepted TB tests are listed in the Shadowing Expectations document found in the link. Additional vaccination records for annual flu, COVID19, MMR and Hepatitis B are optional, but strongly recommended.
If you are interested in observing our physics staff, please fill out the questions and attach the necessary paperwork using the link below. Please understand that applications are reviewed on a monthly basis and are scheduled for the following month. The deadline for signing up for shadowing is at 5 pm on the last business Friday of the month before shadowing is set to take place. You can expect a response to this application within the first week of the month of intended shadowing, but understand that not all applicants are guaranteed an observational opportunity.
Our Medical Physics Program covers an array of research topics. Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center and LSU are dedicated to teaching our students about the latest Medical Physics technologies and therapies, as well as furthering research in the areas below.
Treatment delivery accuracy is of high importance in radiation therapy. The complexity of the treatment plans produced by advanced treatment planning systems is traditionally tested with detectors (planar or 3 dimensional). Our research projects focus in taking the dose verification a step further as we investigate new techniques to assess the dose delivered to the patient during treatment by means of linear accelerator logfiles and on-board kV imaging as well as by means of invivo dosimetry using electronic portal imaging devices.
The applications of Artificial Intelligence are becoming part of several aspects of the radiation therapy process. Our AI team is working on methods to segment the various organs in the human body using machine learning algorithms as well as to predict the dose to the patient based on the individual’s anatomy. The results of this research will provide means of standardization of the treatment process, improve efficiency by automating several steps, and reduce human errors.
Treatment planning is continuously evolving. New optimization algorithms and faster more accurate dose calculation algorithms are becoming available every day. This leads to treatment plan quality improvement. Our goal is to develop tools to assist the dosimetrists, physicians and physicists to automate, improve and standardize the treatment planning process and as a result the plan quality. Better treatment plans will improve tumor control while reducing the negative side effects.
Adaptive radiotherapy (ART) takes into account the anatomical changes that might occur during the course of radiation therapy. Such deviation can cause a difference between the planned and delivered dose. Other sources of discrepancy can be attributed to patient setup deviations or machine delivery deviations. The adaptive radiation therapy research team at MBPCC is working on projects on implementation of ART techniques with the use of the MRI linear accelerator that is installed, as well as several methods of adaptation (real time, and off line) for all linear accelerators. ART allows for higher dose to the tumor which will translate to better patient outcomes.
Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) can decrease the time needed to deliver a radiation therapy treatment by 50% or more. VMAT delivery coordinates and optimizes the movement of the gantry, multi-leaf collimator and dose rate such that IMRT-quality dose distributions are delivered in a fraction of the time. Current VMAT research at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center focuses on determining proper clinical indications for use of VMAT and verifying that VMAT treatments are delivered as planned.
Investigators: Fontenot
Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) is used for highly-focused radiation therapy treatments to ensure that the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue are precisely positioned for treatment. Research on the accuracy of the coincidence of the imaging and radiation isocenters is ongoing at Mary Bird Perkins. Our goal is to develop tools and methods to efficiently, precisely and accurately determine the linear accelerator isocenters.
Investigators: Fontenot, Hogstrom
Electron beam therapy is an advantageous radiation therapy technique for treating tumors that are located at or near the surface of the skin. Segmented field ECT utilizes multiple abutted fields of differing energy. Dose uniformity at the borders of abutted fields was recently studied using energy-dependent source-to-collimator distances of the lead-alloy inserts and currently the potential of using an electron multileaf collimator (eMLC) to feather the borders is being investigated. Another issue under investigation is a forward planning algorithm for segmented field ECT. We also plan to investigate the improved utility of segmented field ECT for decreased energy spacing on radiotherapy linacs and how that compares with bolus ECT.
Investigators: Hogstrom, Pitcher
Proton radiation therapy is a type of radiation therapy which uses a beam of protons to irradiate tumors. The chief advantage of proton therapy is the ability to more precisely localize the radiation dosage when compared with other types of radiation therapy. Proton therapy research at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center focuses on development of dose calculation algorithms that can better exploit the advantages of protons during treatment planning. We are also examining peripheral, or out-of-field, doses attributed to different types of proton radiation therapy treatments and contrasting them with other types of radiation therapy.
Investigators: Newhauser, Hogstrom, Fontenot, Zhang, Pitcher
Electron beams are commonly used to treat superficial cancers. Our group has focused a great deal of effort into redesigning the Elekta Infinity linear accelerator’s electron delivery system. Specifically, we are redesigning the dual flattening foil system and electron applicators in order to extend their utility and increase the robustness of their clinical use. The dual flattening foil system acts to flatten and create a radially symmetrical beam for patient irradiation. Electron applicators are used to collimate the electron beam close to the patient’s surface and protect the patient from any stray radiation created by the machine’s components. To validate and improve our designs, a Monte Carlo model has been created of the Elekta Infinity in order to simulate the dosimetric properties of both the current and suggested component designs.
Investigators: Hogstrom, Pitcher
Auger electron therapy is a type of targeted therapy that aims to enhance radiation damage to the tumor while simultaneously avoiding damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The utility of using monochromatic x-rays (CAMD synchrotron light source) to initiate Auger electron therapy via iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) in cellular DNA is under investigation. A radiation therapy experimental beam line (FS= 3×3 cm2and E< 40 keV) has been configured and dosimetry methods established (Oves et al 2008). Current research is studying the increased biological effect of this therapy relative to conventional photon therapy on CHO cells as a function of energy and % IUdR. Future experiments will involve small animals and study the ability of using a free-electron laser in lieu of the synchrotron.
Investigators: Hogstrom, Matthews
The secondary effects research at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center focuses on cancer prevention and cancer survivorship. Specifically, we seek to better understand the risks of treatment-related health problems faced by cancer survivors. The long term goal is to provide an enhanced based of evidence for making clinical decisions (e.g., selection of radiation treatment modality) and health care policy decisions (rational allocation of scarce health care resources). Our recent research has focused on children and young adults, e.g., with tumors of the central nervous system and Hodgkin Disease. We have also studied treatments for cancer of the prostate, liver, lung and other sites. Our research examines advanced radiotherapies, such as intensity modulated proton and photon therapies, as well as conventional photon therapy. This research is trans-disciplinary, including medical physics, software and nuclear engineering, high performance computing, statistics, cancer prevention and epidemiology and oncology.
Investigators: Newhauser, Zhang, Fontenot
Scotto JG, Pitcher GM, Carver RL, Erhart KJ, McGuffey AS, Hogstrom KR. Modeling scatter through sides of island blocks used for intensity-modulated bolus electron conformal therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023:e13889. doi:10.1002/acm2.13889
Kirby, KM, Ren, L, Daly, TR, et al. Impact of flexible noise control (FNC) image processing parameters on portable chest radiography. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022; e13812.
Kirby, KM, Koons, EK, Welker, KM, Fagan, AJ. Minimizing MR image geometric distortion at 7 Tesla for frameless presurgical planning using skin-adhered fiducials. Med. Phys. 2022; 00- 00.
Paschal HMP, Kabat CN, Papaconstadopoulos P, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Wagner TD, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo modeling of the Elekta Versa HD and patient dose calculation with EGSnrc/BEAMnrc. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022
Kirby, KM, Pillai, S, Brouillette, RM, Keller, J. N., De Vito, A. N., Bernstein, J. P., . . . Carmichael, O. T. (2021). Neuroimaging, Behavioral, and Gait Correlates of Fall Profile in Older Adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13(51). doi:10.3389/fnagi.2021.630049. 2021.
Apolzan, J. W., Carmichael, O. T., Fearnbach, S. N., Kirby, K. M., Ramakrishnapillai, S. R., Beyl, R. A., Martin, C. K. “The effects of the form of sugar (solid vs. beverage) on body weight and neuronal activity: a 28-day randomized study.” PLoS One. 2021.
Hilliard EN, Carver RL, Chambers EL, et al. Planning and delivery of intensity modulated bolus electron conformal therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021;22(10):8-21. doi:10.1002/acm2.13386
Hogstrom K.R., Pitcher G.M., Carver R.L., and Antolak J.A. Treatment planning algorithms: electron beams. In: F.M. Khan, P.W. Sperduto, and J.P. Gibbons (eds). Khan’s Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology, 5th edition, pp. 467-495, Philadelphia, PA; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021.
Parencia, H, Kabat, C, Papaconstadopoulos, P, Kirby NA, Myers PA, Wagner TD, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Monte Carlo Dose Calculations for Patient-Specific QA Based on Machine Log Files 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
Komisopoulos, G, Tolia, M, Siountas, A, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Mavroidis, P. Conformal Radiotherapy with Sequential Boost Versus Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with a Simultaneously Integrated Boost 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
Mavroidis, P, McGurk, R, Schreiber, E, Dance, M, Zourari, K, Kalaitzakis, G, Zoros, E, Boursianis, T, Pappas, E, Read, B, Barry, P, Papanikolaou N, Das, S, Stathakis S. Feasibility Study of Precision-CyberKnife, IPlan-Novalis, Raystation-VersaHD and Monaco-VersaHD to Satisfy the UNC Treatment Planning Protocol of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Lesions 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
Baley, C, Kirby NA, Stathakis S, Papanikolaou N, Myers PA, Rasmussen KH, Saenz DL. Optimizing Isocenter Placement Based On Rotational Uncertainty in Single-Isocenter SRS 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
Kabat, C, Parenicia, H, Papanikolaou N, Stathakis S. Variance in DVHs Based On Machine Repeatability 2021 Jul. (Medical Physics).
Wilson, L. J., Newhauser, W. D., Schneider, C. W., …, Parodi, K. (2020). Method to quickly and accurately calculate absorbed dose from therapeutic and stray photon exposures throughout the entire body in individual patients. Med Phys. 47(5), 2254–2266.
Chambers EL, Carver RL, Hogstrom KR. Useful island block geometries of a passive intensity modulator used for intensity-modulated bolus electron conformal therapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2020;21(12):131-145. doi:10.1002/acm2.13079
M.F. Moyers, W. D. Newhauser. Et. al. “Physical Uncertainties in the Planning and Delivery of Light Ion Beam Treatments – The Report of AAPM Task Group” March, 2020, AAPM.ORG.
J. Wilson, W.D. Newhauser, C. W. Schneider, F. Kamp, M. Reiner, J.C. Martins, G.Landry, A. Giussani, RP. Kapsch, K. Parodi. “Method to quickly and accurately calculate absorbed dose from therapeutic and stray photon exposures throughout the entire body in individual patients”. Medical Physics, 14 January 2020.
J.Wilson, & W. D. Newhauser, “Justification and optimization of planned exposures: a new framework to aggregate arbitrary detriments and benefits”. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (2020). June 18, 2020.
P.D.H. Wall, J.D. Fontenot, “Evaluation of complexity and deliverability of prostate cancer treatment plans designed with a knowledge‐based VMAT planning technique” Journal of applied clinical medical. Volume21, Issue1. January 2020.
P.D.H. Wall, J.D. Fontenot,“Application and comparison of machine learning models for predicting quality assurance outcomes in radiation therapy treatment planning”. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. Volume 18, 2020, 10029
Zhao, X., Zhang, R. (2020) Feasibility of 3D tracking and adaptation of VMAT based on VMAT-CT. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 149: 18-24.
Xie, Y., Bourgeois D., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2020) Comparison of conventional and advanced radiotherapy techniques for left-sided breast cancer after breast conserving surgery. Medical Dosimetry, in press.
Newhauser WD, et. al. The professional radiation workforce in the United States. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Dec;23 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e13848. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13848. PMID: 36705250; PMCID: PMC9880970.
Newhauser WD, et. al. Summary and conclusions, and abbreviations and acronyms. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Dec;23 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e13846. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13846. PMID: 36705249; PMCID: PMC9880966.
Newhauser WD, Gress DA, Mills MD, Jordan DW, Sutlief SG, Martin MC, Jackson E. Medical physics workforce in the United States. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Dec;23 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e13762. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13762. PMID: 36705248; PMCID: PMC9880968.
Noska MA, Borrás C, Holahan EV, Dewji SA, Johnson TE, Hiatt JW, Newhauser WD, Poston JW, Hertel N. Health physics workforce in the United States. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Dec;23 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e13757. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13757. PMID: 36705247; PMCID: PMC9880967.
Bluth EI, Frush DP, Oates ME, LaBerge J, Pan HY, Newhauser WD, Rosenthal SA. Medical workforce in the United States. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Dec;23 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e13799. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13799. Epub 2022 Nov 15. PMID: 36382354; PMCID: PMC9880972.
Zhang R, Xie Y, DiTusa C, Ohler R, Heins D, Bourgeois D, Guo B. Flattening Filter-Free Volumetric-Modulated Arc Radiotherapy for Left-Sided Whole-Breast, Partial-Breast, and Postmastectomy Irradiations. J Med Phys. 2022 Apr- Jun;47(2):166-172. doi: 10.4103/jmp.jmp_146_21. Epub 2022 Aug 5. PMID: 36212208; PMCID: PMC9542989.
Burmeister JW, Busse NC, Cetnar AJ, Howell RR, Jeraj R, Jones AK, King SH, Matthews KL 2nd, Montemayor VJ, Newhauser W, Rodrigues AE, Samei E, Turkington TV, Gronberg MP, Loughery B, Roth AR, Joiner MC, Jackson EF, Naine PA, Kim LH. Academic program recommendations for graduate degrees in medical physics: AAPM Report No. 365 (Revision of Report No. 197). J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Oct;23(10):e13792. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13792. Epub 2022 Oct 8. Erratum in: J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 Feb 16;:e13887. PMID: 36208145; PMCID: PMC9588271.
Zhao X, Zhang R. Feasibility of 4D VMAT-CT. Biomed Phys Eng Express. 2022 Oct 18;8(6):10.1088/2057-1976/ac9848. doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/ac9848. PMID: 36206726; PMCID: PMC9629170.
Guo B, Zang Y, Lin LH, Zhang R. A Bayesian phase I/II design to determine subgroup-specific optimal dose for immunotherapy sequentially combined with radiotherapy. Pharm Stat. 2023 Jan;22(1):143-161. doi: 10.1002/pst.2265. Epub 2022 Sep 26. PMID: 36161762; PMCID: PMC9840650.
Stock MG, Chu C, Fontenot JD. Measurement of the temporal latency of a respiratory gating system using two distinct approaches. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Oct;23(10):e13768. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13768. Epub 2022 Sep 9. PMID: 36082988; PMCID: PMC9588262.
Kollitz E, Roew M, Han H, Pinto M, Kamp F, Kim CH, Schwarz M, Belka C, Newhauser W, Parodi K, Dedes G. Applications of a patient-specific whole-body CT-mesh hybrid computational phantom in second cancer risk prediction. Phys Med Biol. 2022 Sep 12;67(18). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac8851. PMID: 35944528.
Bandaru SS, Busa V, Juneja S. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Colon in an Asymptomatic Patient. Cureus. 2022 Jun 16;14(6):e26003. doi: 10.7759/cureus.26003. PMID: 35720789; PMCID: PMC9202791.
Newhauser W, Pitcher G, Swanson C, Armato SG 3rd, Al-Hallaq H. Interviewing for residency positions while completing a graduate degree: Considerations for graduate students, mentors, and program directors. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Aug;23(8):e13700. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13700. Epub 2022 Jun 14. PMID: 35699204; PMCID: PMC9359018.
Shrestha S, Newhauser WD, Donahue WP, Pérez-Andújar A. Stray neutron radiation exposures from proton therapy: physics-based analytical models of neutron spectral fluence, kerma and absorbed dose. Phys Med Biol. 2022 Jun 15;67(12). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac7377. PMID: 35613603.
Yoganathan SA, Zhang R. Segmentation of Organs and Tumor within Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using K-Nearest Neighbor Classification. J Med Phys. 2022 Jan-Mar;47(1):40-49. doi: 10.4103/jmp.jmp_87_21. Epub 2022 Mar 31. PMID: 35548028; PMCID: PMC9084578.
Chu QD, Hsieh MC, Yi Y, Lyons JM, Wu XC. Outcomes of Breast-Conserving Surgery Plus Radiation vs Mastectomy for All Subtypes of Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Analysis of More Than 200,000 Women. J Am Coll Surg. 2022 Apr 1;234(4):450-464. doi: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000000100. PMID: 35290264.
Tillery H, Moore M, Gallagher KJ, Taddei PJ, Leuro E, Argento D, Moffitt G, Kranz M, Carey M, Heymsfield SB, Newhauser WD. Personalized 3D-printed anthropomorphic whole-body phantom irradiated by protons, photons, and neutrons. Biomed Phys Eng Express. 2022 Feb 1;8(2). doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/ac4d04. PMID: 35045408.
Sprowls CJ, Chu C, Wall PDH, Fontenot JD. Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation for Improving Respiratory Reproducibility in Radiation Oncology: A Pilot Study. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2021 Sep 9;7(2):100780. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2021.100780. PMID: 34825112; PMCID: PMC8603026.
Schneider, C. W., Newhauser, W. D., Wilson, L. J., & Kapsch, R. (2019). A physics-based analytical model of absorbed dose from primary, leakage, and scattered photons from megavoltage radiotherapy with MLCs. Phys Med Biol. 64, 185017. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ab303a.
Kirby, K., Ramakrishnapillai, S., Carmichael, O., and Van Gemmert, A. (2019) “Brain functional differences in visuo-motor task adaptation between dominant and non-dominant hand training.” Exp Brain Res. 2019.
Wall and J.D. Fontenot, “Evaluation of complexity and deliverability of prostate cancer treatment plans designed with a knowledge-based VMAT planning technique,” J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019 Dec 9. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12790.
Lydia J. Wilson , Wayne D. Newhauser Christopher W. Schneider. “An objective method to evaluate radiation dose distributions varying by three orders of magnitude” Med. Phys. 46 (4), April 2019
Steve Braunstein; Li Wang; Wayne Newhauser ; Todd Tenenholz; Yi Rong; Albert van der Kogel; Michael Dominello; Michael C. Joiner; Jay Burmeister“Three discipline collaborative radiation therapy (3DCRT) special debate: The United States should build additional proton therapy facilities.”J. Appl Clin Med Phys 2019; 20:2: 7-12.
SA, Y., Zhang, R. (2019). An atlas-based method to predict three-dimensional dose distributions for cancer patients who receive radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(8): 085016
Xie, Y., Bourgeois D., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2019). Post-mastectomy radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer patients: comparison of advanced techniques. Medical Dosimetry, in press.
Pandey, A., *SA, Y., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2019). Feasibility of generating synthetic CT of brain from T1-weighted MRI using a linear mixed-effects regression model. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 5, 047004
F. Moyers, T. Toth, R. Sadagopan, A. Chvetsov, J. Unkelbach, R. Mohan, D. Lesyna, L. Lin, Z. Li, F. Poenisch, W. Newhauser, S. Vatnitsky, J. B. Farr. Physical uncertainties in the planning and delivery of light ion beam treatments: Report of AAPM Task Group 202. American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Newhauser, W. D., Schneider, C., Wilson, L., Shrestha, S., & Donahue, W. (2018). A Review of
Analytical Models of Stray Radiation Exposures from Photon- and Proton-Beam Radiotherapies.
Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 180(1-4), 245-251. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncx245.
Pitcher GM, Hogstrom KR, Carver RL. Evaluation of prototype of improved electron collimation system for Elekta linear accelerators. J Appl Clin Med Phys. Jul 2018;19(4):75-86. doi:10.1002/acm2.12342
McLaughlin D.J., Hogstrom K.R., Neck D.W., and Gibbons J.P. Comparison of measured electron energy spectra for six matched, radiotherapy accelerators. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 19(3):183-192, 2018.
Zhang R., Heins D., Sanders M., Guo B., and Hogstrom K. Evaluation of a mixed beam therapy for postmastectomy breast cancer patients: Bolus electron conformal therapy combined with intensity modulated photon radiotherapy and volumetric modulated photon arc therapy. Medical Physics, 45(7):2912-2924, 2018.
Taddei PJ, Khater N, Youssef B, Howell RM, Jalbout W, Zhang R, Geara FB, Giebeler A, Mahajan A, Mirkovic D, Newhauser WD. Low- and middle-income countries can reduce risks of subsequent neoplasms by referring pediatric craniospinal cases to centralized proton treatment centers. Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express. 4 025029 (2018).
Phillip DH Wall, Robert L Carver, and Jonas D Fontenot. Impact of Database quality in knowledge-based treatment planning for prostate cancer. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2018.
Phillip DH Wall, Robert L Carver, and Jonas D Fontenot. An improved distance-to-dose correlation for predicting bladder and rectum dose-volumes in knowledge-based 16 VMAT planning for prostate cancer. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(1):015035, 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa9a30
Williams, J.P., Newhauser, W.D. “Normal tissue damage: Its importance, history, and challenges for the future.” Br. J. Radiol. 2018 Apr 9:20180048. Doi: 10.1259/bjr.20180048
Yoon, J. , Xie, Y. and Zhang, R. (2018), Evaluation of surface and shallow depth dose reductions using a Superflab bolus during conventional and advanced external beam radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 19: 137-143. doi:10.1002/acm2.12269
Yoon, J. , Xie, Y. , Heins, D. and Zhang, R. (2018), Modeling of the metallic port in breast tissue expanders for photon radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 19: 205-214. doi:10.1002/acm2.12320
Zhang, R. , Heins, D. , Sanders, M. , Guo, B. and Hogstrom, K. (2018), Evaluation of a mixed beam therapy for postmastectomy breast cancer patients: Bolus electron conformal therapy combined with intensity modulated photon radiotherapy and volumetric modulated photon arc therapy. Med. Phys., 45: 2912-2924. doi:10.1002/mp.12958
Sick, J., Fontenot, J. (2018) “The Air Out There: Treatment Planning When Target Volumes Extend Beyond the Skin” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 101(5):1025-1026.
Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2018). “Statistical Methods for Clinical Trial Designs in the New Era of Cancer Treatment”, Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal,5(3), 1-3. 2018
Wall PDH, Carver RL, Fontenot JD. “Impact of database quality in knowledge-based treatment planning for prostate cancer.” Pract Radiat Oncol. 2018 Nov – Dec;8(6):437-444. doi: 10.1016
Schneider, C., Newhauser, W. D., Wilson, L. J., Schneider, U., Kaderka, R., Miljanic, S., … Harrison, R. M. (2017). A descriptive and broadly applicable model of therapeutic and stray absorbed dose from 6 to 25 MV photon beams. Med Phys. 44(7), 3805-3814. doi:10.1002/mp.12286.
Pitcher GM, Hogstrom KR, Carver RL. Improved electron collimation system design for Elekta linear accelerators. J Appl Clin Med Phys. Sep 2017;18(5):259-270. doi:10.1002/acm2.12155
Hogstrom KR, Carver RL, Chambers EL, Erhart K. Introduction to passive electron intensity modulation. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017;18(6):10-19. doi:10.1002/acm2.12163
Chapman J.W., Knutson N.C., Fontenot J.D., Newhauser W.D., and Hogstrom K.R., Evaluating the accuracy of a three-term pencil beam algorithm in heterogeneous media. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(3):1172-1191, 2017.
Petersen N, Perrin D, Newhauser W, Zhang R. “Impact of multileaf collimator configuration parameters on the dosimetric accuracy of 6-MV Intensity-Modulated radiation therapy treatment plans”. J Med Phys 2017;42:151-5
Newhauser W.D., Schneider C., Wilson L., Shreshtha S., Donahue W. (2017) “A Review of Analytical Models of Stray Radiation Exposures from Photon- and Proton-Beam Radiotherapies”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry,
E.E. Klein, J.D. Fontenot, N. Dogan, “The ever-evolving role of the academic clinical physicist,” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 98(1): 18-20 (2017).
W.D. Newhauser, “The medical physics workforce,” Health Phys. 112(2):139-48 (2017).
Chetty and J. D. Fontenot, “Adaptive radiation therapy: Off-line, On-line, or In-line?,” Int J Radiat Oncol Phys 98(3):689-91 (2017).
Smith, P. Balter, J. Duhon, G. White, D. Vassy, R. Miller, C. Serago, and L. Fairobent, “AAPM Medical Physics Practice Guideline 8.a.: Linear accelerator performance tests,” J App Clin Med Phys 18(4): 23-39 (2017). DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12080
Pitcher GM, Hogstrom KR, Carver RL. Radiation leakage dose from Elekta electron collimation system. J Appl Clin Med Phys. Sep 8 2016;17(5):157-176. doi:10.1120/jacmp.v17i5.5982
Rusk BD, Carver RL, Gibbons JP, Hogstrom KR. A dosimetric comparison of copper and Cerrobend electron inserts. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2016;17(5):245-261. doi:10.1120/jacmp.v17i5.6282
Carver RL, Sprunger CP, Hogstrom KR, Popple RA, Antolak JA. Evaluation of the Eclipse eMC algorithm for bolus electron conformal therapy using a standard verification dataset. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2016;17(3):52-60. doi:10.1120/jacmp.v17i3.5885
Newhauser WD, Berrington de Gonzalez A, Schulte R, and Lee C. A Review of Radiotherapy-Induced Late Effects Research After Advanced-Technology Treatments. (Invited review), Frontiers in Oncology. Vol 6, article 13 (2016).
Hernandez M, Zhang R, Sanders M, Newhauser W. A treatment planning comparison of volumetric modulated arc therapy and proton therapy for a sample of breast cancer patients treated with post-mastectomy radiotherapy. J Proton Therapy, 1:1 1-7 (2016)
Donahue, W. Newhauser, J. Ziegler, “Analytical model for ion stopping power and range in the therapeutic energy interval for beams of hydrogen and heavier ions”, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 61, Number 17
Eley, J. G., Friedrich, T., Homann, K. L., Howell, R. M., Scholz, M., Durante, M., & Newhauser, W. D. (2016). Comparative Risk Predictions of Second Cancers After Carbon-Ion Therapy Versus Proton Therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology *Physics, 95(1), 179-286. Doi:
W. Newhauser and R. Zhang, “The physics of proton therapy,” Phys. Med. Biol. (2015).
L. Wilson, D. Mirkovic and W. Newhauser, “A simple and fast physics-based analytical method to calculate therapeutic and stray doses from external beam, megavoltage x-ray therapy ,” Phys. Med. Biol. 60 4753-4775 (2015).
R. Zhang*, D. Mirkovic and W. Newhauser, “Visualization of risk of radiogenic second cancer in the organs and tissues of the human body,” Radiat Oncol 10: 107 (2015).
Schneider, C. W., Newhauser, W., & Farah, J. (2015). An analytical model of leakage neutron equivalent dose for passively-scattered proton radiotherapy and validation with measurements. Cancers. 7(2), 795-810. doi:10.3390/cancers7020795.
Eley, J., Newhauser, W., Homann, K., Howell, R., Schneider, C., Durante, M., & Bert, C. (2015). Implementation of an analytical model for leakage neutron equivalent dose in a proton radiotherapy planning system. Cancers. 7(1), 427-438. doi:10.3390/cancers7010427.
Carver RL, Hogstrom KR, Price MJ, LeBlanc JD, Pitcher GM. Real-time simulator for designing electron dual scattering foil systems. J Appl Clin Med Phys. Nov 8 2014;15(6):4849. doi:10.1120/jacmp.v15i6.4849
McLaughlin DJ, Hogstrom KR, Carver RL, et al. Permanent-magnet energy spectrometer for electron beams from radiotherapy accelerators. Med Phys. 2015;42(9):5517-29. doi:10.1118/1.4928674
D. Alvarez, K. R. Hogstrom, K. L. Matthews II, K. Ham, T. D. Brown, and M. E. Varnes. “Impact of IUdR on rat glioma cell survival for 25-35 keV photon-activated Auger electron therapy,” Rad Res 182”607-17 (2014).
M. Sutton, J. D. Fontenot, K. Matthews, B. Parker, M. King, J. Gibbons, and K. Hogstrom, “Accuracy and precision of cone beam CT-guided intensity modulated radiation therapy,” Pract Radiat Oncol 4: e67-e73 (2014).
G. Nichols, J. D. Fontenot, J. P. Gibbons, and M. Sanders, “Evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy for postmastectomy treatment,” Radiat Oncol 9 1-8 (2014).
J. Fontenot, “Evaluation of a novel secondary check tool for intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning,” J App Clin Med Phys 15:4990-4997 (2014)
H. Wang and O. N. Vassiliev, “Microdosimetric characterization of radiation fields for modelling tissue response in radiotherapy,” at press in Int J Cancer Ther Oncol 2(1): 1-10 (2014).
H. Wang and O.N. Vassiliev, “Radial dose distributions from protons of therapeutic energies calculated with GEANT4-DNA,” Phys Med Biol 59: 3657- 68 (2014).
JP Gibbons, JA Antolak, DS Followill, MS Huq, EE Klein, KL Lam, JR Palta, DM Roback, and FM Khan, “Monitor unit calculations for external photons and electron beams: Report of the AAPM Therapy Physics Committee Task Group 71,” Med Phys 41 (2014).
J. D. Fontenot, H. Alkhatib, J. Garrett, A. Jensen, S. McCullough, A. Olch, B. Parker, and C. Yang, “AAPM medical physics practice guideline: commissioning and quality assurance of x-ray based image guided radiotherapy systems,” J App Clin Med Phys 15: 3-13 (2014)
BC Parker, J Duhon, CC Yang, HT Wu, KR Hogstrom, and JP Gibbons, “Medical Physics Residency Consortium: collaborative endeavors to meet the ABR 2014 certification requirements,” J App Clin Med Phys 15: 337-44 (2014).
WD Newhauser, T Jones, S Swerdloff, R Zhang, and WA Newhauser, “Anonymization of DICOM Electronic Medical Records for Radiation Therapy,” Comp Biol Med 53:134-40 (2014).
Y Akino, JP Gibbons, DW Neck, C Chu, and IJ Das, “Intra- and intervariability in beam data commissioning among water phantom scanning systems,” J App Clin Med Phys 15: 251-8 (2014).
Vassiliev, “A model of the radiation-induced bystander effect based on an analogy with ferromagnets. Application to modelling tissue response in a uniform field,” Physica A 416: 242-251 (2014).
JG Eley, WD Newhauser, R Luchtenborg, C Graeff, and C Bert, “4D Optimization of scanned ion beam tracking therapy for moving tumors” Phys Med Biol 59: 3431-52 (2014).
R. Zhang, R. Howell, P. Taddei, A. Giebeler, A. Mahajan, and W. Newhauser “A comparative study on the risks of radiogenic second cancers and cardiac mortality in a set of pediatric medulloblastoma patients treated with photon or proton craniospinal irradiation,” Radiother and Oncol 113:84-8 (2014).
R. Carver, K. R. Hogstrom, M. J. Price, J. Leblanc, and G. Pitcher, “Real time simulator for designing dual scattering foil systems,” J App Clin Med Phys 15: 4849-59 (2014).
R. Zhang, R. M. Howell, A. Giebeler, P. J. Taddei, A. Mahajan, W. D. Newhauser. “Comparison of Risk of Radiogenic Second Cancer between Photon and Proton Craniospinal Irradiation for a Pediatric Medulloblastoma Patient.” Phys Med Biol 58(4): 807-23 (2013).
R. Zhang, J. D. Fontenot, D. Mirkovic, J. Hendricks, W. D. Newhauser. “Advantages of MCNPX-Based Lattice Tally over Mesh Tally in High-Speed Monte Carlo Dose Reconstruction for Proton Radiotherapy.” Nucl Tech 183: 1-6 (2013).
A. Giebeler, W. D. Newhauser, R. A. Amos, A. Mahajan, K. Homann, and R. M. Howell. “Standardized Treatment Planning Methodology for Passively Scattered Proton Craniospinal Irradiation.” Rad Onc 8: 32 (2013).
W. Newhauser, L. Rechner, D. Mirkovic, P. Yepes, N. Koch, J. D. Fontenot, and R. Zhang, “Benchmark measurements and simulations of dose perturbations due to metallic spheres in proton beams,” Radiat Meas 58 37-44 (2013).
R. Zhang, R. Howell, K. Homann, A. Giebeler, P. Taddei, A. Mahajan, and W. Newhauser, “Predicted risks of radiogenic cardiac toxicity in two pediatric patients undergoing photon or proton radiotherapy, “ Radiat Oncol 8: 184-193 (2013).
A. Perez-Andujar, W Newhauser, P Taddei, A Mahajan, and RM Howell, “The predicted relative risk of premature ovarian failure for three radiotherapy modalities in a girl receiving craniospinal irradiation,” Phys Med Biol 58(10): 3107-3123 (2013).
P Taddei, W Jalbout, R Howell, N Khater, F Geara, K Homann, and W Newhauser, “Analytical model for out-of-field dose in photon craniospinal irradiation,” Phys Med Biol 58(21): 7463-7479 (2013).
A. Perez-Andujar, R Zhang, and W Newhauser, “Monte Carlo and analytical model predictions of leakage neutron exposures from passively scattered proton therapy,” Med Phys 40(12): 121714 (2013).
J. D. Fontenot and E. E. Klein, “Technical challenges in liver stereotactic body radiation therapy: reflecting on the progress,” (editorial) Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 85 869-870 (2013).
Kavanaugh, K. Hogstrom, C. Chu, R. Carver, J.D. Fontenot, and G. Henkelmann, “Delivery confirmation of bolus electron conformal therapy combined with intensity modulated x-ray therapy,” Med Phys 40 0217241 (2013).
RL Carver, KH Hogstrom, C Chu, RS Fields, and CP Sprunger, “Accuracy of Pencil-Beam Redefinition Algorithm Dose Calculations in Patient-Like Cylindrical Phantoms for Bolus Electron Conformal Therapy”, Med Phys 40 071720 (2013).
J Silkwood, KL Matthews, and PM Shikhaliev. “Photon counting spectral breast CT: effect of adaptive filtration on CT number, noise, and contrast to noise ratio” Med Phys 40(5): 051905 (2013).
X Wang, JN Yang, X Li, R Tailor, O Vassiliev, P Brown, L Rhines, and E Change, “Effect of spine hardware on small spinal stereotactic radiosurgery dosimetry,” Phys Med Biol 58: 6733-47 (2013)
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Dedicated phantom materials for spectral radiography and CT.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57: 6, 2012.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Photon counting spectral CT: improved material decomposition with K-edge-filtered x-rays.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57: 6, 2012.
Newhauser, W.D., Scheurer, M.E., Faupal-Badger, J.M., Clague, J., Weitzel, J., Woods, K.V. “The Future Workforce in Cancer Prevention: Advancing Discovery, Research, and Technology.” Journal of Cancer Education Supplement 2, 2012.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Dedicated phantom materials for spectral radiography and CT.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57: 6, 2012.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Photon counting spectral CT: improved material decomposition with K-edge-filtered x-rays.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57: 6, 2012.
Howell, R.M., Giebeler, A., Koontz-Raisig, W., Mahajan, A., Etzel, C.J., D’Amelio Jr, A.M., Homann, K.L., Newhauser, W.D. “Comparison of therapeutic dosimetric data from passively scattered proton and photon craniospinal irradiations for medulloblastoma.” Radiation Oncology 7:1, 2012.
Rechner, L.A., Howell, R.M., Zhang, R., Etzel, C., Lee, A.K., Newhauser, W.D. “Risk of radiogenic second cancers following volumetric modulated arc therapy and proton arc therapy for prostate cancer.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57:21, 2012.
Mancuso, G.M., Fontenot, J.D., Gibbons, J.P., Parker, B.C. “Comparison of action levels for patient-specific quality assurance of intensity modulated radiation therapy and volumetric modulated arc therapy treatments.” Medical Physics 39:7, 2012.
Fontenot, J.D. “Feasibility of a remote, automated daily delivery verification of volumetric-modulated arc therapy treatments using a commercial record and verify system.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 13:2, 2012.
Rechner, L.A., Howell, R.M., Zhang, R., Newhauser, W.D. “Impact of margin size on the predicted risk of radiogenic second cancers following proton arc therapy for prostate cancer.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57:23, 2012.
Vassiliev, O.N. “Formulation of the Multi-hit Model with a Non-Poisson Distribution of Hits.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics83:4, 2012.
Vassiliev, O.N., Kudchadker, R.J., Kuban, D.A., Frank, S.J., Choi, S., Nguyen, Q., Lee, A.K. “Dosimetric impact of fiducial markers in patients undergoing photon beam radiation therapy.” Physica Medica 28:3, 2012.
Vassiliev, O.N. “Electron slowing-down spectra in water for electron and photon sources calculated with Geant4-DNA code.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57:4, 2012.
Brown, T.A.D., Hogstrom, K.R., Alvarez, D., Matthews II, K.L., Ham, K., Dugas, J.P. “Dose-response curve of EBT, EBT2, and EBT3 radiochromic films to synchrotron-produced monochromatic x-ray beams.” Medical Physics 39:12, 2012.
Brown, T.A.D., Hogstrom, K.R., Alvarez, D., Matthews II, K.L., Ham, K. “Veridication of TG-61 does for synchrotron-produced monochromatic x-ray beams using fluence-normalized MCNP5 calculations.” Medical Physics 39:12, 2012.
Bao, Q., Hrycushko, B.A., Dugas, J.P., Hager, F.H., Solberg, T.D. “A Technique for Pediatric Total Skin Electron Irradiation.” Radiation Oncology 7:40, 2012.
Majdzadeh, N., Jain, S.K., Murphy, M.C., Dugas, J.P., Hager, F. Abdulrahman, R. “Total Skin Electron Beam Radiation in a Pediatric Patient with Leukemia Cutis, A case report.” Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 34:7, 2012.
Howell, R. and Newhauser, W.D. “TH?B?BRA?01: Educational course therapy.” Medical Physics 38, 3849, 2011.
Taddei, P.J., Mirkovic, D., Howell, R.M., Zhang, R., Giebeler, A., Mahajan A., and Newhauser, W.D. “MO?G?BRC?01: Comparison of the risk of second malignant neoplasm in a developed country versus a developing country for a 13-year-old girl receiving craniospinal irradiation.” Medical Physics 38, 3736, 2011.
Giebeler, A., Howell, R., Zhang, R., Mahajan, A., and Newhauser, W.D. “SU?E?T?47: A Method to increase statistical power in micro?clinical trials for second cancers following advanced techniques for pediatric radiotherapy.” Medical Physics, 38, 3496, 2011.
Zhang, R., Howell, R., Giebeler, A., Taddei, P., Mahajan, A., and Newhauser, W.D.“SU?E?T?43: Calculation of the risks of second cancer and cardiac toxicities for a pediatric patient treated with photon and proton radiotherapies.” Medical Physics, 38, 3495, 2011.
Randeniya, S., Mirkovic, D., Kry, S., Titt, U., Newhauser, W.D., and Howell, R. “MO?G?BRC?02: Patient specific out?of?field dose calculation tool for 6MV and 18MV: Development and validation.” Medical Physics, 38, 3736, 2011.
Luo, D., Eley, J., Du, W., Shiu, A., Chang, E., Brown, P., and Newhauser, W.D. “SU?E?T?244: Should treatment time be included in assessing the quality of a gamma plan?” Medical Physics, 38, 3543, 2011.
Rechner, L., Howell, R., Zhang, R., and Newhauser, W.D., and Lee, A. “WE?G?BRA?03: Risk of second malignant neoplasms following VMAT and proton arc therapy for prostate cancer.” Medical Physics, 38, 3826, 2011.
Huang, J., Newhauser, W., Zhu, X., Lee, A., and Kudchadker, R. “TU?G?BRB?01: Investigation of dose perturbations and radiographic visibility of potential fiducials for proton radiation therapy of the prostate.” Medical Physics, 38, 3778, 2011.
Ashenafi, M., Boyd, R.A., Lee, T.K., Lo, K.K., Gibbons, J.P., Rosen, I.I., Fontenot, J.P., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Feasibility of postmastectomy treatment with helical TomoTherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 77:836-42, 2010.
Fontenot, J.D., Bloch, C., Followill, U., Titt, U., and Newhauser, W.D. “Estimate of the uncertainties in the relative risk of secondary malignant neoplasms following proton therapy and intensity modulated photon therapy.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55:6987-6998, 2010.
Ito, S., Parker, B.C., Levine R., Sanders, M.E., Fontenot J., Gibbons, J.P., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Verification of calculated skin doses in post-mastectomy helical tomoTherapy.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 81(2), 584-591, 2010.
Matney, J.E., Parker, B.C., Neck, D.W., Henkelmann, G.C., and Rosen, I.I. “Evaluation of a commercial flatbed document scanner and medical grade film scanner for radiochromic film dosimetry.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 11(2): 198-208, 2010.
Price, M., Kry S., Eifel P., Salehpour M., and Mourtada, F. “Dose perturbation due to the polysulfone cap surrounding a Fletcher-Williamson colpostat.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 11(1), 68-76, 2010.
Shikhaliev, P.M., Petrek P., Mathews II, K.L., Fritz, S.G., Bujenovic, L.S., and Xu, T. “Intravascular imaging with a storage phosphor detector.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55: 2841-2861, 2010.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “The upper limits of the SNR in radiography and CT with polyenergetic X-rays.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55: 5317-5139, 2010.
Carver, R., Cunningham, A., Frank, A., Hartigan, P., Cocker, R., Wilde, B., Foster, J., Rosen, P. “Laboratory Astrophysics and Non-ideal Equations of State: The Next Challenges for Astrophysical MHD Simulations.” High Energy Density Physics 6:4, 2010.
Kry, S.F., Vassiliev, O.N., Mohan, R. “Out-of-field photon dose following removal of the flattening filter from a medical accelerator.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55:8, 2010.
Vassiliev, O.N., Wareing, T.A., McGhee, J., Failla, G., Salehpour, M.R., Mourtada, F. “Validation of a new grid-based Boltzmann equation solver for dose calculation in radiotherapy with photon beams.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55:3, 2010.
Fritz, S.G. and Shikhaliev, P.M. “CZT detectors used in different irradiation geometries: Simulations and experimental results.” Medical Physics 36(4): 1098-1108, 2009.
Fritz, S.G. and Shikhaliev, P.M. “Projection X-ray imaging with photon energy weighting: Experimental evaluation of a prototype detector.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 54: 4971- 4992, 2009.
Gerbi, B.J., Antolak, J.A., Followill, D.S., Herman, M.G., Higgins, P.D., Huq, M.S., Mihailidis, D.N., Yorke, E.D., Hogstrom, K.R., and Khan, F.M. “Recommendations for clinical electron beam dosimetry: Supplement to the recommendations of task group 25.” Medical Physics 36: 3239-3279, 2009.
Gibbons, J.P., Smith, K., Cheek, D., and Rosen, I.I. “Independent calculation of dose from a helical TomoTherapy unit.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 10: 103-119, 2009.
Shikhaliev, P.M., Fritz, S.G., and Chapman, J.W. “Photon counting multi-energy XD-ray imaging: Effect of the characteristic X-rays on detector performance.” Medical Physics 36(11): 5107-5119, 2009.
Weinberg, R., Antolak, J.A., Starkschall, G., Kudchadker, R.J., White, R.A., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Influence of source parameters on large-field electron beam profiles calculated using Monte Carlo methods.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 54: 105-116, 2009.
Hartigan, P., Foster, J., Wilde, B., Coker, R., Rosen, P., Hansen, F., Blue, B., Williams, R., Carver, R., Frank, A. “Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Simulations, and Astronomical Observations of Deflected Supersonic Jets: Application to HH110.” The Astrophysics Journal 705, 2009.
Kry, S.F., Howell, R.M., Polf, J., Mohan, R., Vassiliev, O.N. “Treatment vault shielding for a flattening filter-free medical linear accelerator.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 54:5, 2009.
Vassiliev, O.N., Kry, S.F., Chang, J.Y., Balter, P.A., Titt, U., Mohan, R. “Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer using a flattening filter free Clinac.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 10:1, 2009.
Beardmore, A., Rosen, I.I., Cheek, D., Fields, R.S., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Evaluation of MVCT images with skin collimation for electron beam treatment planning.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 9(3): 43-57, 2008.
Cheek, D., Gibbons, J.P., Rosen, I.I., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Accuracy of TomoTherapy treatments for superficial target volumes.” Medical Physics 35: 3565-73, 2008.
Das, I.J., Cheng, C.W., Watts, R.J, Ahnesjö, A., Gibbons, J., Li, X.A., Lowenstein, J., Mitra, R.K, Simon, W.E., Zhu, T.C., and TG-106 of the therapy physics committee of the AAPM. “Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures: Report of the TG-106 of the Therapy Physics Committee of the AAPM.” Medical Physics 35:4186-4215, 2008.
Dugas, J.P., Oves, S., Sajo, E., Matthews II, K.L., Ham, K., and Hogstrom, K.R. “Monochromatic beam characterization for Auger electron dosimetry and radiotherapy.” European Journal of Radiology 68S:137-141, 2008.
Lee, T.K., Rosen, I.I, Gibbons, J.P., Fields, R.S., Hogstrom, K.R. “Helical TomoTherapy for parotid gland tumors.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 70: 883-91, 2008.
Oves, S., Hogstrom K.R., Ham, K., Sajo, E., and Dugas, J.P. “Dosimetry intercomparison using a 35-keV x-ray synchrotron beam.” European Journal of Radiology 68S:121-125, 2008.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Computed tomography with energy resolved detection: A feasibility study.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53: 1475-1495, 2008.
Shikhaliev, P.M. “Energy resolved computed tomography: First experimental results.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53: 5595-5813, 2008.
Smith, K., Gibbons, J.P., Gerbi, B.J., Hogstrom, K.R. “Measurement of superficial dose from a static TomoTherapy beam.” Medical Physics 35: 769-774, 2008.
Vinci, J., Hogstrom, K.R., and Neck, D. “Accuracy of cranial coplanar beam therapy with BrainLab ExacTrac image guidance.” Medical Physics 35: 3809-19, 2008.
Wang, W-H., Matthews II, K.L., and Teague, R.E.. “Dose rates of a cobalt-60 pool irradiator measured with Fricke dosimeters.” Health Physics 94 (Supplement 2): S44-S50, 2008.
Vassiliev, O.N., Wareing, T.A., Davis, I.M., McGhee, J., Barnett, D., Horton, J.L., Gifford, K., Failla, G., Titt, U., Mourtada, F. “Feasibility of a multigroup deterministic solution method for three-dimensional radiotherapy dose calculations.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 72:1, 2008.
Kry, S.F., Howell, R.M., Titt, U., Salehpour, M., Mohan, R., Vassiliev, O.N. “Energy spectra, sources, and shielding considerations for neutrons generated by a flattening filter-free Clinac.” Medical Physics 35:5, 2008.
Titt, U., Zheng, Y., Vassiliev, O.N., Newhauser, W.D. “Monte Carlo investigation of collimator scatter of proton-therapy beams produced using the passive scattering method.” Physics in Medicine and Biology53:2, 2008.
Richert, J.D., Hogstrom, K.R., Fields R. S., Matthews II, K.L., and Boyd, R.A. “Improvement of field matching in segmented-field electron conformal therapy using a variable-SCD applicator.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52: 2459-2481, 2007.
Kry, S.F., Titt, U., Followill, D., Pönisch, F., Vassiliev, O.N., White, R.A., Stovall, M., Salehpour, M. “A Monte Carlo model for out-of-field dose calculation from high-energy photon therapy.” Medical Physics 34:9, 2007.
Vassiliev, O.N., Kry, S.F., Kuban, D.A., Salehpour, M., Mohan, R., Titt, U. “Treatment-planning study of prostate cancer intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a varian clinac operated without a flattening filter.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 68:5, 2007.
Kry, S.F., Titt, U., Pönisch, F., Vassiliev, O.N., Salehpour, M., Gillin, M., Mohan, R. “Reduced neutron production through use of a flattening-filter-free accelerator.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 68:4, 2007.
Vassiliev, O.N., Titt, U., Kry, S.F., Mohan, R., Gillin, M.T. “Radiation safety survey on a flattening filter-free medical accelerator.” Radiation Protection Dosimetry 124:2, 2007.
Cho, S.H., Vassiliev, O.N., Horton, J.L. “Comparison between an event-by-event Monte Carlo code, NOREC, and ETRAN for electron scaled point kernels between 20 keV and 1 MeV.” Radiation and Environment Biophysics 46:1, 2007.
Hogstrom, K.R. “Education and training of medical physicists in America.” Japanese Journal of Medical Physics 26 (suppl. No. 1): 31-43, 2006.
Hogstrom K.R. and Almond, P.R. “Review of electron beam therapy physics.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 55: R455-489, 2006.
Matthews II, K.L., Aarsvold, J.N., Mintzer, R.A., Chen, C.T., and Lee, R.C. “Tc-99m Pyrophosphate imaging of poloxamer-treated electroporated skeletal muscle in an in vivo rat model.” Burns 32:755-764, 2006.
Wang, W-H., J.D. McGlothlin, D.J. Smith, and Matthews II, K.L. “Evaluation of a radiation survey training video developed from a real-time video radiation detection system.” Health Physics 90 (Supplement 1): S33-S39, 2006.
Wang, W-H., Matthews II, K.L., and Scott, L.M. “Lessons learned in responding to and recovering from a fire incident.” Health Physics 91 (Supplement 2): S78-S82, 2006.
Wang, W-H. and Matthews II, K.L. “Simulating gaseous iodine-131 distribution in a silver zeolite cartridge using sodium iodide solution.” Health Physics 90 (Supplement 2): S73-S79, 2006.
Kry, S.F., Titt, U., Pönisch, F., Followill, D., Vassiliev, O.N., White, R.A., Mohan, R., Salehpour, M. “A Monte Carlo model for calculating out-of-field dose from a Varian 6 MV beam.” Medical Physics 33:11, 2006.
Jang, S.Y., Liu, H.H., Wang, X., Vassiliev, O.N., Siebers, J.V., Dong, L., Mohan, R. “Dosimetric verification for intensity-modulated radiotherapy of thoracic cancers using experimental and Monte Carlo approaches.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 66:3, 2006.
Titt, U., Vassiliev, O.N., Pönisch, F., Kry, S.F., Mohan, R. “Monte Carlo study of backscatter in a flattening filter free clinical accelerator.” Medical Physics 33:9, 2006.
Pönisch, F., Titt, U., Vassiliev, O.N., Kry, S.F., Mohan, R.” Properties of unflattened photon beams shaped by a multileaf collimator.” Medical Physics 33:6, 2006.
Titt, U., Vassiliev, O.N., Pönisch, F., Dong, L., Liu, H., Mohan, R. “A flattening filter free photon treatment concept evaluation with Monte Carlo.” Medical Physics 33:6, 2006.
Vassiliev, O.N., Titt, U., Pönisch, F., Kry, S., Mohan, R., Gillin, M.T. “Dosimetric properties of photon beams from a flattening filter free clinical accelerator.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 51:7, 2006.
Vassiliev, O.N., Titt, U., Kry, S.F., Pönisch, F., Gillin, M.T., Mohan, R. “Monte Carlo study of photon fields from a flattening filter-free clinical accelerator.” Medical Physics 33:4, 2006.
Jang, S.Y., Vassiliev, O.N., Liu, H.H., Mohan, R., Siebers, J.V. “Development and commissioning of a multileaf collimator model in Monte Carlo dose calculations for intensity-modulated radiation therapy.” Medical Physics 33:3, 2006.
Pönisch, F., Titt, U., Kry, S.F., Vassiliev, O.N., Mohan, R. “MCNPX simulation of a multileaf collimator.” Medical Physics 33:2, 2006.
Matsen, M.W., Griffiths, G.H., Wickham, R.A., Vassiliev, O.N. “Monte Carlo phase diagram for diblock copolymer melts.” Journal of Chemical Physics 124:2, 2006.